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Holy Week, the annual liturgical commemoration of the passion, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, begins on Palm Sunday and ends with the Easter Vigil.

Palm Sunday
10:00am Start in the hall

10:00am Eurcharist

07:30pm Maundy Thursday Eucharistqith feet washing.

Good Friday 
10.00am - 11.30pm Messy Church 
12:00 Noon Stations of the Cross 

01:00pm Meditations with the Choir, readings and silence 
02:00pm Ligurgy of the Passion 

Those wishing to join the Walk of Witness on Good Friday, Assemble on The Green opposite the church at 11:15am walk to St. Johns Church, with hymn stops and light lunch at the end. 

Holy Saturday
10:00am Preparations for Sunday.
Easter Sunday

06:30am Easter Vigil and first Eucharist of Easter,
followed by Breakfast 
10:00am Eucharist

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